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"J. Bosnić"
Abiotrophia defectiva liver abscess in a teenage boy after a supposedly mild blunt abdominal trauma: a case report (2020-08)
P. Rasic, S. Bosnic, Z. Vasiljevic, S. Đuričić, V. Topic, M. Milickovic, D. Savic, Abiotrophia defectiva liver abscess in a teenage boy after a supposedly mild blunt abdominal trauma: a case report, BMC GASTROENTEROLOGY, Vol. 20, No. 267, pp. 1 - 6, Aug, 2020 -
Malignant germ cell tumors of undescendent intraabdominal testis (2003-09)
V. Rajić, D. Zdravković, D. Milovanović, S. Đuričić, T. Milenković, N. Rašović, S. Bosnić, M. Miličković, Malignant germ cell tumors of undescendent intraabdominal testis, Horm Res 2003; 60 (Suppl. 2), Sep, 2003 -
Onion production characteristics depending on the size of onion sets and planting time during the production in the open field (2023-05)
N. Đekić, M. Bosnić, V. Todorović, Onion production characteristics depending on the size of onion sets and planting time during the production in the open field, XII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences Book of Abstracts AgroReS 2023, pp. 196 - 196, May, 2023 -
Povezanost empatije i altruizma učenika sa stilovima i načinima rada nastavnika (2023-10-12T07:31:49.873Z)
The effect of set size and planting time on the onion bulbs production (2023)
N. Đekić, M. Bosnić, V. Todorović, M. Žabić, The effect of set size and planting time on the onion bulbs production, Proceedings of the XIV International Scientific Agricultural Symposium “Agrosym 2023, pp. 82 - 88, 2023 -
Signs of fatigue of monitor operator (2006)
Ј. Којовић, LJ. Preradović, J. Bosnić, Signs of fatigue of monitor operator, Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft : internationale Zeitschrift für Modellierung und Mathematisierung in den Humanwissenschaften, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 75 - 82, 2006 -
Work on Monitor and Signs of Fatigue of Operator" (2005)
Ј. Којовић, Ј. Боснић, LJ. Preradović, Work on Monitor and Signs of Fatigue of Operator", Session 2 (Poster), 2005 -
Замор оператера у раду са видеотерминалом (2006)
Ј. Којовић, LJ. Preradović, Ј. Боснић, В. Ђурић, Замор оператера у раду са видеотерминалом, pp. 271 - 273, 2006